Stand out from the crowd and invest in a timeless hand painted sign, mural or window display for your store.
Our traditional skills can revitalize your storefront and transform it into a visual landmark.
Hand Painted Signs
Gold Leaf
Graphic Design & Branding
Hand Painted Signs 〰️ Gold Leaf 〰️ Murals 〰️ Graphic Design & Branding 〰️
We are delighted with the work Josh did for us. Since attaching it to our wall, we’ve had a notable increase in enquiries and walk-ins – plus a lot of people saying ‘what a beautiful sign!’. Now our customers never struggle to find us on the street. It's the best thing we’ve done for the building, in all honesty. See project
Turner & George have been around for 10 years with one shop in Clerkenwell and a strong online trade. We’re very modern in our approach and delivery, but very traditional in our methods and selection of meats, only using the finest ethically raised animals and traditional methods. Our signage on our Clerkenwell shop had been applied traditionally by hand using gold leaf by an elderly chap who was now retired so I wasn’t sure whether I’d find anyone with those skillsets and knowledge. So I was very pleased indeed when I was recommended Josh. He’s by no means elderly but has clearly gleaned years of experience in traditional sign writing.
He helped choose between application methods with sound advice and watching our graphics go up with first the chalk lines and then the gold leaf was a thing of beauty. It looks like it’s always been there and I’m sure it’ll still be there looking classic in years to come. And as long as we hurry up and get another shop before Josh retires, then I’ve no doubt we’ll be asking him back. See project
Josh has been with us for over a little over a decade and has grown into an integral part of The Breakfast Club story. From menus and posters to beautiful hand painted signs and murals, he’s done it all. Since launching our new menu and mascots we’ve had a great boost in shares on social media and customer engagement. We're super happy with the work he's created for us. See work
Josh did a great job on our windows. He helped us hone our designs and implemented them perfectly. We saw a significant uptick in revenue after having the work done, it's probably the best investment we've made, nothing else we've done has resulted in such a direct increase in sales. Thanks Josh!